Submit to Clinician’s Quandary!

Let Us Know How YOU Would Tackle This Situation in Your Practice...

Submit to Clinician’s Quandary!

Clinician’s Quandary invites your take on how you’d handle tricky scenarios in practice! Each month, we’ll pose a new Quandary and collect responses. Top answers from the previous month will be posted that same day and shared with your colleagues worldwide.

Clinician’s Quandary is on hiatus. Check back here for updates.


Submission Details

  • Send your response in 500 words or less to Include “Clinician’s Quandary Submission” in the subject line. Include your name and country, city, or state in the email. Responses may be edited for clarity.
  • Please provide detail in your response that paints a picture of what your solution looks like in practice. Don’t be afraid to get creative!
  • Please allow up to one month for our editors to review your submission. We’ll let you know by email if your response is selected for publication.

Psychotherapy Networker

The editorial staff of Psychotherapy Networker comprises clinicians, journalists, and writers with a passion for creating a community where therapists gather and grow. Learn more on our About Us page.