Tara Brach on Finding Possibility in Tough Times

Awakening Radical Loving and Compassion

In the midst of the anxiety and trauma being caused by the coronavirus pandemic, how do you want to be right now? Who do you want to be? What do you hope might be called forth? These are just a few of the questions posed by renowned mindfulness teacher and psychologist Tara Brach in the 2020 Networker Virtual Symposium.

In this clip from her workshop, she explains how, even during these tough times, we can use mindfulness and compassion to undo our primitive, fear-based reactivity, reveal our mutual belonging, and awaken our hearts.

In therapy, Tara helps her clients envision a life beyond whatever may be causing them suffering. In her Networker article, she writes, “Right from the start, I want to hear about what their deepest intention is. I invite them to go to the most sincere place in them and say what it is they’re really wanting. That lets me know how large a view they have of what’s possible, and it helps me say, ‘Okay, this is where you are right now. Let’s take the first step.'”

Tara Brach

Tara Brach, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, an internationally known teacher of mindfulness meditation, and the founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington. She is author of bestselling Radical Acceptance and True Refuge, and leads accredited workshops for mental health professionals interested in integrating meditation into the practice of psychotherapy. Tara offers meditation retreats at centers in the United States and in Europe. Her podcasted talks and meditations are downloaded about a million times each month. In addition to her public teaching, Tara is active in bringing meditation into DC area schools, prisons and to underserved populations, and in activities that promote racial justice.