Although it’s not usually acknowledged, change in the consulting room goes both ways. Even as they help clients wrestle with their issues, it’s the rare therapist who hasn’t experienced his or her own eureka moments.
Here, therapist Frank Anderson shares his, about a client who said that her life outside of therapy was going great, and seeing him was her main problem.
“The challenge of seeing Sue has changed me in how I work with clients in all kinds of ways Networker article. “It’s much easier for me to say the hard things now, and when I get pushback, I can stay strong, clear. I can hold my boundaries in what my gut tells me is right.”
Frank Anderson
Frank Anderson, MD, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist in Concord, MA, specializes in the treatment of trauma and dissociation. A lead trainer at the IFS Institute, he’s affiliated with Bessel van der Kolk’s Trauma Center and advises the International Association of Trauma Professionals. His most recent book is Transcending Trauma: Healing Complex PTSD with Internal Family Systems.