Contributed by Leslie Korn

3 Results

Tapering Off Meds

A Holistic Approach

For people who want to taper off psychotropic drugs, nutritional therapies and integrative methods may provide a promising alternative. Read more

It’s Not about the Diet

Building a healthy relationship with food

Too often both clinicians and clients fall into the trap of pursuing weight loss as a therapeutic goal. Read more

How Food Improves Mood

Bringing Nutrition into the Consulting Room

Learning even a little about nutrition and diet can greatly enhance therapists’ ability to help clients with mood problems. Read more

Leslie Korn

Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, ACS, RPP, NTP, NCBTMB, is a renowned integrative medicine clinician and educator specializing in the use of nutritional, herbal and culinary medicine for the treatment of trauma and emotional and chronic physical illness. Her clinical practice focuses on providing clients effective alternatives to psychotropics. She is licensed and certified in nutritional therapy, mental health counseling, and bodywork (Polarity and Cranial Sacral and medical massage therapies) and is an approved clinical supervisor. She is the author of the seminal book on the body and complex trauma Rhythms of Recovery: Trauma, Nature and the Body (Routledge, 2012), Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health (W.W. Norton, 2016), Eat Right Feel Right: Over 80 Recipes and Tips to Improve Mood, Sleep, Attention & Focus (PESI, 2017), Multicultural Counseling Workbook: Exercises, Worksheets & Games to Build Rapport with Diverse Clients (PESI, 2015) and The Good Mood Kitchen (W.W. Norton, 2017).  Her latest book, The Brainbow Blueprint: A Clinical Guide to Integrative Medicine and Nutrition for Wellbeing, will be out the spring of 2023. To learn more, go to her website: